The hooping trick you are about to learn is called the "Booty Bump". It's a cool and sassy move that involves bending over and spinning the hoop diagonally by thrusting your pelvic to keep the hoop in motion. Because you are hooping at an angle, you will get a great workout for your abdomen and lower back.
This is one of my favorite hula hoop tricks. It looks hard, but it's not. Once you get the technique down it's like having a party in your living room. Just, make sure you let your abdominal muscles do most of the work so you don't strain your lower back.
Don't be shy! You can do this.
In the video you are about see, you will gain some tips and techniques for the booty bump.
Now that you have gotten the technique down, let's do it. The next video will show you how to begin the booty bump.
Here is another version... This video shows you how to go from hooping horizontally and going right into the booty bump.It's pretty neat. Check it out!